Guide | MobiPOS  >  Backup/Restore  >  Restore  >  Restore via CMS via Web  

Restore via CMS via Web

To restore your data, ensure that you have the backup file ready.
Else, please refer to the Retrieve Backup via CMS via Web guide.

On the device where you want to restore your data, navigate to Settings -> CMS via Web.
A password prompt will appear on your screen as shown below.

Enter the administrator’s password and click OK.

mobipos cms backup restore password admin

After entering the password, the page seen below will confirm that CMS via Web has been initiated.

mobipos cms backup restore ipaddress

Key in the new URL into your browser to access your new device.
Proceed to Backup/Restore as highlighted below.

mobipos cms backup restore

Under Backup/Restore, click Choose File instead.

mobipos cms backup restore

Locate the previously saved in your computer and click Open.

mobipos cms backup restore file select

Click Upload Backup & Restore.

mobipos cms backup restore choose file

There will be a popup notification to indicate that the System Restoration is successful.

mobipos cms backup restore

Your new device will now have all your menu, sales data and reports from your previous iPad.

Watch the video below for a step-by-step demonstration:

If you need further assistance, feel free to send us an email at [email protected].